Cancer Prevention in Action

Cancer Prevention in Action (CPiA) supports local cancer prevention and risk reduction interventions using a policy, systems, and environmental change (PSE) approach. We aim to educate, engage, and empower community members to build awareness of and support for healthy changes throughout the community, including in schools, worksites, recreational facilities and childcare centers. 
Click below to learn more about each of cancer prevention initiatives we focus on.


We can all prevent skin cancer by practicing sun safe measures and skipping the tanning bed.

Educating specific populations, such as parents, young adults, and medical providers, about the importance of the HPV vaccination for cancer prevention in adolescents.

Working with businesses to adopt policies that help their employees prioritize their health.

Make sure to check out the latest June updates from our partners. Learn about important topics such as sun safety practices, the HPV vaccine, and utilizing Paid Time Off for Cancer Screenings.
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