New York State Department of Health

Creating Healthy Schools and Communities will establish and support healthy communities as places where it is easier to practice healthy behaviors.  

Grant goals include:

Walk to school day


Partnering with select school districts to improve policies, practices, and environments for student physical activity and nutrition.

Elementary School Recess

Early Care and Education

Supporting early care and education settings to improve policies, practices and environments for physical activity and nutrition.

Refrigerated Merchandise

Community Settings

Adopting healthy food service guidelines in worksites helps ensure all staff have equal access to better food choices. Work in community settings such as food pantries and community meal sites, means healthy food is made available to the most vulnerable members of our communities.

Leroy and Grove street intersection


Working with local municipalities to implement community planning and active transportation projects to increase physical activity opportunities. Active-friendly routes for all which connect everyday destinations can make it safer for people of all abilities to walk, bike, or use wheelchairs. Accessible curb ramps provide safe routes for all.

For School-Related Activities:

Contact Morgan Whitman

For Community-Related Activities:

Contact Karen Bage

Creating Healthy Schools and Communities in St. Lawrence County is funded by the New York State Department of Health. Learn more here.
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