Bridge to Wellness Coalition


The St. Lawrence County Community Health Improvement Coalition, Bridge to Wellness, is an active committee with over fifty participating organizations including public health, higher eduction, hospitals, health centers and community based organizations. Partners work collaboratively to plan, implement and oversee the St. Lawrence County Community Health Improvement Plan and hospital Community Service Plans.

Mission and Vision

Mission: “We collaborate with community partners for the development and promotion of resources and opportunities that positively influence whole person health.”

Vision: “A community where everyone has knowledge of and access to the tools they need for a healthier life”.

bridge to wellness logo


See the plan

Considering assessment results and the capacity of the region, the Bridge to Wellness Coalition identified ‘Prevent Chronic Disease’ and ‘Promote Well-Being and Prevent Mental and Substance Use Disorders’ as priorities for the 2019 Community Health Improvement Plan. This streamlined plan identifies additional opportunities to improve the health of residents. The coalition researched interventions grounded in evidence and selected activities to include environmental, systems and policy change. Several interventions will address multiple goals, which allows more focus and effort in one intervention while reaching more than one deliverable.

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